Natural Homemade Deodorizing Carpet Powder

Natural Homemade Deodorizing Carpet Powder

Carpeting powders are great for eliminating odor and making your home smell nice. Some of them nevertheless, can be harmful to pets. For a more than natural carpet powder, you lot tin can but make your own. Not that those shop bought powders are really expensive, but if you have the ingredients at habitation and so making your own brings on its ain rewards.

To make your own carpet powder, you will need:

  • Baking soda
  • Essential oils

You can utilize about a cup of baking soda and just five or 6 drops of essential oils. Orangish is a skilful choice but really, you tin utilize any y'all want to get the scent that y'all prefer. Just mix them together and identify them in a shaker – an empty parmesan cheese container works corking for this. If you have pets inside and are prone to have flea problems, you tin add well-nigh ii tablespoons of borax to the mix and information technology will take care of those little pests. Tea tree oil works but too as borax and eliminates flea issues perfectly.

Just sprinkle your carpet pulverisation on carpets and let information technology set for about 15 minutes earlier you vacuum information technology.

Pro tip if y'all're looking for a carpeting shampoo culling, merely mix white vinegar and h2o works like a charm.


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