Mexican Poet

Betwixt the Most famous mexican poets That we frequently come up to heed nosotros observe Octavio Paz, Jose Emilio Pacheco or Jaime Sabines, but in that location are many more who have made great poesy.

Mexican poetry has historically been one of the most developed in Latin America and has been an example for Latin American poets.

Most representative Mexican poets

Since its independence in the early nineteenth century, Mexican poets have stood out for their romantic prose, costumbrista, revolutionary and avant-garde. In whatsoever case, there are References of Mexican poetry since the 17th century.

Among the works that were preserved to this day are Parthenon Triumph Of Sigüenza and Góngora. Too in the XVII Century Matías Bocanegra wrote Song at the sight of a thwarting And Juan de Guevara his Faustísima entrance in Mexico of the Viceroy Knuckles of Alburquerque .

In the eighteenth century many poets stand up out: Jose Luis Velasco Arellano, Cayetano Cabrera and Quintero, José Lucas Anaya or José Agustín de Castro, to name a few. In the book Anthology of Mexican poets , Published at the finish of Century XIX, a relation of the Mexican colonial poetry is kept. Later the independence many poets have been outstanding, among them:

The 30 best known Mexican poets

i- Manuel Acuña

30 Most Famous Mexican Poets in History

The Mexican poet Manuel Acuña, i of the nigh famous romantic poets of the nineteenth century in United mexican states, had a brief but fruitful literary career. He was a medico and in his romantic works 1 feels the influence of positivism.

In 1868 he began his literary career, which was interrupted past his suicide in 1873. Amongst his works are"Before a corpse","Nocturno"and"Dried leaves". His most representative work,"Nocturno", is defended to Rosario de la Peña, the adult female he was in dearest with. It is said that other poets also courted Rosario, such equally the famous Cuban poet José Martí.

ii- Manuel M. Flores

30 Most Famous Mexican Poets in History 1

A native of San Andrés Chalchicomula, Manuel M. Flores is one of the most important representatives of Mexican Romanticism. He was noted for his"Unpublished Verse"and"Fallen Roses,"which were published after his death.

It belonged to the Liberal Party that fought against the French for the restoration of the commonwealth. Her poems"El beso","Flor de un día"and"Amémonos"stand out. He was a lover of Rosario de la Peña.

Ignacio Manuel Altamirano

30 Most Famous Mexican Poets in History 2

The indigenous roots poet Ignacio Manuel Altamirano devoted his life to public service, didactics and literature. He was born in Tixtla in 1834.

All his work is distinguished by his native subjects, where the Indian and Mexican history were the main themes, which differentiated him from other authors of the time who followed the European literary tradition of the time. Its works"End of a love"and"Dark Love"stand out.

four-Justo Sierra Méndez

30 Most Famous Mexican Poets in History 3

One of the greatest promoters of the foundation of the National Autonomous Academy of United mexican states. Writer, poet and politico, Justo Sierra Méndez stood out for his poetic works"Piedad","El ángel del provenir"and"Conversaciones del domingo".

He was born in Campeche, was deputy, professor at the National Preparatory School and director of the National Journal of Letters and Sciences. He was disciple of Ignacio Manuel Altamirano.

5 - Guillermo Prieto

30 Most Famous Mexican Poets in History 4

The prolific poet Guillermo Prieto, born in 1818, was characterized by reflecting in his verse non only romantic ideas but customs and Mexican folklore. Amid his nigh outstanding works are"La mortalidad"and"Ensueños".

Octavio Paz

30 Most Famous Mexican Poets in History 5

The winner of the 1990 Nobel Prize for Literature, Octavio Paz, Wrote poetry and essays . He also excelled as a translator, instructor, diplomat, journalist and lecturer. He lived in the United States, France and Republic of india.

He is famous for his books"The Labyrinth of Solitude"and"Posdata"where he argues that historical facts formed the Mexican pessimistic mentality. His poetry is subtle and his rhyme is hard to grasp. One of his most famous poems is"2 Bodies".

7- Alfonso Reyes Ochoa

30 Most Famous Mexican Poets in History 6

The work"Ifigenia Barbarous"by Alfonso Reyes Ochoa was converted into an opera by Leandro Espinosa, bringing it to popularity. The poet was as well a diplomat and essayist.

He founded the Ateneo de la Juventud, where the most enlightened intellectuals from Mexico and Latin America of the time met to discuss the Greek classics.

He criticized writers who followed the European literary tradition and called society to develop their own literature.

8- José Emilio Pacheco

30 Most Famous Mexican Poets in History 7

The Mexican nihilist poet José Emilio Pacheco was part of the"Generation of the Fifties". His nigh famous verse form is"The Natural Perfections". As well outstanding are his books"The pleasure principle"and"The battles in the desert".

nine- Honey Nervo

30 Most Famous Mexican Poets in History 8

The intimate and personal prose of Amado Nervo transcended to Europe. His works, such as the poem"Cowardice"or the novel"The available"were an"inward"wait and an attempt to depict"the intimate, arcane, mysterious soul of things themselves."

The book of verses"Mystic"of the writer was characterized by exposing yearnings, sufferings and restlessness of the homo existence.

10- Jaime Torres Bodet

30 Most Famous Mexican Poets in History 9

Member of the group"The contemporaries", the poet Jaime Torres Bodet, was also public official and essayist. Bodet's works are characterized by looking for a new mode of telling the facts. One of his most outstanding poems is"Ambition".

11- Jaime Sabines

The avant-garde poetry of Jaime Sabines touches on topics such as politics. He was also deputy in the congress, which allowed him to see closely the abuses committed by many politicians. Its works like"To my female parent","I feel that I miss you"and"Spring"stand out.

They chosen him"The Sniper of Literature"because his works dealt with rough themes of reality. The poet considered the verse form"Something about the death of Major Sabines"every bit his best work, in which he talked about his father.

12- Xavier Villaurrutia

Xavier Villaurrutia also was fellow member of the group of the"contemporaries". His poetic work was influenced by surrealism and can exist described as obscure, since it deals with subjects such as desolation, decease, abandonment and low. His most outstanding works are:"Nostalgia de la muerte","10th expiry","Nocturnos"and"Songs to spring and other poems".

thirteen- José Juan Tablada Acuña

José Juan Tablada Acuña is recognized as the male parent of modern Mexican poetry. The Mexican diplomat, journalist and poet introduced haiku (Japanese genre) to Latin American poetry.

He was distinguished past the utilize of metaphors in his works and by his calligrams. His works include"Japan","The peacock","The tortoise","The nightingale"and"Li-po". The latter is a poem with graphic elements or calligraphy.

xiv- Enrique González Martínez

According to the intellectual Pedro Henríquez Ureña, Enrique González Martínez was i of the"seven major gods of the Mexican lyric".

The founder of the National School stood out for his works"When you find a smile...","Tomorrow the poets","You lot will proceed the life of things"and others. His poems are of great philosophical depth. He emphasized his piece of work"Absence and song", that wrote by the death of his wife.

15- Ramón López Velarde

Considered as the Mexican national poet, Ramón López Velarde is cataloged as a modernist. During and after the Mexican revolution, López Valverde stood out for playing most the countryside and the metropolis, society, Mexican, youth and others.

His works"La sangre devota","Zozobra"and"El son del corazón"stand out. Despite being ane of the well-nigh historic poets in Mexico, he is little known abroad.

16- Alfonso Reyes

Alfonso Reyes was Mexican ambassador to Argentina, where he was associated with intellectuals of the nigh important of the time, amongst them Jorge Luis Borges.

The Argentine writer considered the Mexican poet as the best prose writer of the Spanish language and wrote the poem"In memoriam"in his honor. Amongst his poems are"Cantata in the tomb of Federico García Lorca","Huellas"or"Sol de Monterrey".

17- Carlos Pellicer Camera

Carlos Pellicer Cámara, some other of the members of the group"The contemporaries", was characterized to unite in his work the modernism and the vanguard. He was also a museologist and teacher.

In his works he tries to portray the beauty of the world through metaphor. His poems"Speeches for Flowers","Colors in the Sea and Other Poems","Flying Practice"and others are highlighted.

xviii- Manuel Maples Arce

Manuel Maples Arce, in publishing his manifesto"Actual (No. ane)", founded Estridentismo. This movement sought to stand for the Mexican masses and was a fusion of Cubism, Dadaism and Futurism. Arce, as well being a poet, was a lawyer and a diplomat.

His work"Anthology of mod Mexican poesy"(1940) is essential to empathise the development of Mexican verse. His poetic work more outstanding are"The poems interdicts".

19- Renato Leduc

The journalist and poet Renato Leduc stood out for his erotic and straight work, where he dealt with very explicit subjects with a touch on of humor and with the use of colloquial language. His plain form of expression fabricated him a pop author. In addition he emphasized his sonnet of the time. Among his nigh of import works are"El aula, etc."and"Some deliberately romantic poems and a somewhat unnecessary prologue".

20- Bernardo Ortiz

Member of the group"Los Contemporáneos", Bernardo Ortiz de Montellano was poet, essayist, playwright, narrator and translator. His poesy was postmodernist and his near representative work is"Second dream."

21- Elías Nandino Vallarte

The modernist poet Elías Nandino Vallarte was related to"Los Estridentistas"(Estridentism) and after to"Los Contemporáneos". His first creative stage was marked by dark themes, such as death, dark, doubt and decease.

On the other hand, in its stage of maturity the poet adopted a personal style and treated subjects much more daily. At the finish of his life, his prose became a mixture of metaphysics and eroticism. Its works are highlighted:"Erotism to the crimson white","Banquet intimate"and"Nocturna palabra".

22- José Gorostiza Alcalá

The author of"Countless Death", ane of the near of import poems of the 20th Century in Spanish, José Gorostiza Alcalá wrote but four books during his life. He was known as the poet of intelligence and his poetry.

Although it appeared uncomplicated, it is circuitous because of its meaning, its linguistic complexity and its lyricism.

23- Salvador New

The historian, poet, playwright and essayist Salvador Novo portrayed in his works subjects such equally the arrival of a provincial to the capital, modernity and modern inventions of the early twentieth century and human feelings as love.

24- Efraín Huerta

The poet and journalist Efraín Huerta stands out for having created the literary tendency of"Poemínino", small humorous verse full of irony, cynicism and sarcasm. His way is influenced by Juan Ramón Jiménez and Pablo Neruda, the"Generation of 27"and"Los Contemporáneos".

His works include"Poems forbidden and love,""Poetic plot"and"Estampida de poemínimos". Scholars of his work consider that at that place are four major themes in his prose: the city and desolation, politics and love.

In his works"Stalingrado en pé"and"Canto a la paz soviética"he exposes his communist ideas and criticizes capitalism and imperialism.

25- Verónica Volkow Fernández

Verónica Volkow Fernández is a poet, essayist and academy professor and researcher. Author of more than than 5 books on verse, such equally Litoral de Tinta and Los Caminos. She is a professor at the UNAM and in her works reflects her involvement in the relationship between poetry and painting.

26- Carmen Boullosa

Carmen Boullosa is a poet, novelist, professor and playwright, emphasizing more by its cycles of novels. Among his poetic works are"La patria insomne","Ungovernable"and"Loyalty". Most of his works deal with historical themes, although some reflect more than human being feelings and situations such every bit alienation.

27- Coral Bracho

Coral Bracho is a Mexican poet, translator and academic. Awarded past the National Verse Prize Aguascalientes for her piece of work"The one who is going to die". His poetry fits within the Latin American neobaroque. Among his works are"Under the liquid gleam","Land of ardent entrainment"and"Laughs of the emperor".

28- Francisco Segovia

Francisco Segovia is ane of the almost outstanding Mexican poets today. He is a founding member and collaborator of the magazines Fractal and Vuelta. Amongst his works are Elegy, Forest, Beads and other accounts, The inhabited air and Nao.

29- Vicente Quirarte

The university professor and sometimes Manager of the National Library of Mexico Vicente Quirarte is an essayist and poet. Gañó won the National Prize for Young Poetry Francisco González León in 1979. Amid his outstanding poems are"Fra Filippo Lippi". "Songbook of Lucrecia Butti"and"The light does not die lonely".

30- Víctor Manuel Mendiola Patiño

Víctor Manuel Mendiola Patiño is an essayist, poet and editor. He won the Latin Literature Prize in 2005 for his book of poems"Tan oro y Ogro". Other notable works of the author are"4 for Lulu","Flight 294"and"Paper Revolution".


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